Roasted celeriac with mushrooms and chickpeas and garlic mayo (contains nuts)G, VEG
Cep chocolate mousse, almond cake and vanilla ice creamL, G (VEG opt)
Chef's menu 54,00€
Wild duck breast, Jerusalem artichoke purée and blueberriesL, G
Päivän tuore kala
Cheesecake with marinated cloudberriesL, G
Menu KarlJohan, 59,00€
Creamy lobster soup with shrimp ”salad”L, G
Fillet of reindeer with parsnip purée and thyme sauceL, G
Cep chocolate mousse, almond cake and vanilla ice creamL, g
L = Laktoositon / Lactose free • VL = Vähälaktoosinen / Low lactose • G = Gluteeniton / Gluten free • VEG = Vegaaninen / Vegan Lisätietoja tarjoiltavista annoksista sekä allergioita ja intoleransseja aiheuttavista aineista ja tuotteista saa henkilökunnalta (EU-asetus 1169/2011).
Information about the allergies and intolerances of substances may be asked from our staff (EU Food information regulation 1169/2001). Lihojen alkuperämaat / Meat origins: Vasikka / Veal: NL • Nauta / Beef: FIN • Poro / Reindeer: FIN • Porsas / Pork: FIN • Lammas / Lamb: NZ
Alkuruokia Förrätter / Starters
Green salad with pan fried goat cheese (contains nuts) L, G13,00€
Jerusalem artichoke soup, apple and walnuts G, VEG13,00€